Saturday, 15 September 2012

Just in case....

Just in case Eastenders was too interesting last week and you're planning to make your first tentative steps in Morris Dancing next week (20th September), don't come along to the Village Hall in Woodchester, you might upset the WI.  (and you certainly wouldn't want to do that!)

We will be strutting our stuff at Woodchester School that evening, so it's just down the road, same village, same time, longer walk to the pub afterwards!

See you there?

Meet the side...

Old Peter.

The first reference to Old Peter we could find was in one of the Shakespear Sonnets and goes thus:-

"make we merrie dancers of the morrysse

a joye to behold...

was even arounde in the day of Pytre

and he is indeed quyte olde..."

Having danced for many (many) years for some quite prestigious sides, Peter is one of our founding dancers.  He is an ideal mentor and guide for new members, with an encyclopedic knowledge of the art of Morris.

When not Morris Dancing, Ole Pete can often be found behind his beloved tankard, dipping his beard.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Release the inner Morris Dancer within...

Right then you lot, think you can do better?

Actually you very well might!

Come along to our taster session this Thursday (13th September) at 8.00pm and see how much fun we all  it all is.

Woodchester Village Hall, next to the Royal Oak.

Wear some comfortable clothing and watch us all prance about like wallies.  Maybe even join in, who knows, you may enjoy it!